Order Information

Production Time

All of our customized items have a production time as stated below.  This is in addition to the selected shipping method and time.  Our current production time is:

3-5 Days

Cancellation Policy

Orders can be cancelled before they go into our production queue, this can be between 1-12 hours after you place your order.  Please submit any cancellation requests by responding to the order confirmation email that you received.



All orders are shipped once all items in the order are complete.  We typically ship items within the timeframe stated above.  Any shipping time estimates are in addition to the time above.  We ship all of our orders from our shop located in New Jersey.  


Return Policy

Due to the nature of our items, we do not accept returns for any items that are customized.  Items that are not customized can be returned within 14 days of arrival.  Please contact us or reply to the order confirmation message if you have any issues with your order.